富士通官方社交账号 (欧洲)


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Twitter account information: Fujitsu Luxembourg
帐号Fujitsu Luxembourg
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Luxembourg company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 8:00 - 17:00 (UTC/GMT +1 hour)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May tweet in anytime other than above working hours.
Twitter account information: Fujitsu Russia
帐号Fujitsu Russia
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Russia company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (Moscow time)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May tweet in anytime other than above working hours.
* May not follow the followers.
* Questions posted through Twitter are not always answered by our Twitter account.
Twitter account information: Fujitsu_SEU
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 CET or CEST
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.
Twitter account information: Fujitsu_Sverige
内容介绍The account will provides Fujitsu Sweden company updates, news releases, information on customer events and other relevant information, targeting marketing, customer and press.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (CET time)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May tweet in anytime other than above working hours.
* May not follow the followers.
* Questions posted through Twitter are not always answered by our Twitter account.
Twitter account information: Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
内容介绍Official Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH HQ accounts with updates for the CEMEA+I region in English.
联络信息Normal business hours, Monday through Friday.


Facebook account information: Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
内容介绍Official Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH HQ accounts with updates for the CEMEA+I region in English.
联络信息Normal business hours, Monday through Friday.
Facebook account information: Fujitsu_ru
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Russia company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (Moscow Time/UTC+4)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May post outside above working hours.
* Questions may not always be answered by our Facebook team.
Facebook account information: FujitsuLux
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Luxembourg company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 8:00 - 17:00 (UTC/GMT +1 hour)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
Facebook account information: FUJITSU NORGE
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Norway updates, news releases, information on events, and other relevant information.
联络信息Contact Fujitsu Norway on +47 23 24 80 00.
Facebook account information: Fujitsu-Semiconductor-Europe-GmbH-FSEU
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 CET or CEST
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.
Facebook account information: Fujitsu Sverige
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Sweden updates, news releases, information on events, and other relevant information.


YouTube account information: Fujitsu Russia
帐号Fujitsu Russia
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Russia company updates, news and other relevant video information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (Moscow time)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.
YouTube account information: FujitsuSEU
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 CET or CEST
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.
YouTube account information: Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
内容介绍Official Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH HQ accounts with updates for the CEMEA+I region in English.
联络信息Normal business hours, Monday through Friday.


SlideShare account information: Fujitsu Ireland
内容介绍Shares information on Fujitsu ireland's activities and events.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (Ireland time)
SlideShare account information: Fujitsu Russia
帐号Fujitsu Russia
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Russia company presentations and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (Moscow time)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.
SlideShare account information: Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
内容介绍Official Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH HQ accounts with updates for the CEMEA+I region in English.
联络信息Normal business hours, Monday through Friday.


Flickr account information: fseu
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 CET or CEST
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.


LinkedIn account information: Fujitsu Czech Republic & Slovakia
帐号Fujitsu Czech Republic & Slovakia
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (CEST)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May post updates in anytime other than above working hours.
* May not follow the followers.
* Questions submitted through LinkedIn are not always answered by our LinkedIn account.
LinkedIn account information: Fujitsu (Ireland)
内容介绍Shares information on Fujitsu ireland's activities and events.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (Ireland time)
LinkedIn account information: Fujitsu Luxembourg
帐号Fujitsu Luxembourg
内容介绍"Provides Fujitsu Luxembourg company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 8:00 - 17:00 (UTC/GMT +1 hour)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.
LinkedIn account information: Fujitsu Russia and CIS
帐号Fujitsu Russia and CIS
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Russia company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (Moscow time)
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.
LinkedIn account information: Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
内容介绍Official Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH HQ accounts with updates for the CEMEA+I region in English.
联络信息Normal business hours, Monday through Friday.


Google+ account information: Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
内容介绍Official Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH HQ accounts with updates for the CEMEA+I region in English.
联络信息Normal business hours, Monday through Friday.
Google+ account information: Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH
http://plus.google.com/117607174152517261467/posts (Redirect destination)
内容介绍Provides Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe company updates, news releases, information on trade shows, and other relevant information.
联络信息Working Hours 9:00 - 17:00 CET or CEST
* It is not always possible to respond with comments immediately.
* May provide information in anytime other than above working hours.