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Mayumi Kobayashi, Manager of Finance and Social Infrastructure Sales Group, has received an Encouragement Award in International Cooperation from ITU Association of Japan for contribution to construction and practical use of remote consultation system in Lao P.D.R.

May 07, 2013

Mayumi Kobayashi, Manager of Finance and Social Infrastructure Sales Group, received her award from ITU Association of Japan on May 17, 2013 in Tokyo

Mayumi Kobayashi proposed four Asia-Pacific Telecommunity projects including the construction of remote consultation model system for medical doctors and staff in Lao P.D.R.

Mayumi-san managed these projects and helped government officials (Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Health) as well as medical doctors and staff to understand the effectiveness of ICT in healthcare. Together, they were able to identify real needs and problems relating to the utilization of ICT in the medical field before implementing a pilot system using ICT to connect leading hospitals in major cities.

By providing training for telecommunication and medical personnel, Mayumi-san facilitated the smooth introduction and practical application of the system. The pilot system became the first application used on Laotian electronic government network and had a positive response on Fujitsu's ICT solution.