Top Statement

While society and industrial structure are changing radically through the rapid progress of digital innovation, various social issues, such as climate changes, waste-related pollution, poverty, and human rights violations, are now becoming more visible worldwide. Given these challenges, the role played by companies is increasingly important in efforts, including the "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" adopted by the United Nations and the achievement of the Paris Agreement goals to attain a sustainable society globally.
The Fujitsu Frontech Group adheres to the "Fujitsu Way" which is the corporate principle for all employees of the Fujitsu Group, and we have also established the "Fujitsu Frontech Purpose" as our fundamental policy for business management.
Committed to making sustainability the core of business growth, the Fujitsu Group has identified "Solving global environmental issues", "Developing a digital society", and "Improving people's well-being" as the Essential Contributions, which are also designated as Materiality. Recently, as a member of the Fujitsu Group, we have been addressing the development and provision of solutions and services that contribute to Materiality and the achievement of SDGs, in addition to efforts, such as in-house enlightenment and training programs on SDGs. In response to environmental concerns, we have developed the 11th Environmental Action Plan [FY2023 to FY2025]. We are promoting our activities, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions at the business sites and the expansion of the use of renewable energy. We are also committed to enhancing human capital and health and productivity management, recognizing these as crucial pillars of our management strategy.
Fujitsu Frontech Group delivers new value to customers and society by proposing a new connection between people and companies, and people and society by offering a unit of "Product", "Solution" and "Service" powered by our digital technology expertise, which is our advantage. Furthermore, we contribute to realizing a safe, secure and sustainable society where everyone can live snugly, through continuous development as a company.
President and Representative Director
Hiroshi Watabe