We make "Fujitsu Frontech Group Environmental Policy", establish "Fujitsu Frontech Group Environmental Action Plan" based on the policy as well as "Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan", and practice it.

Environmental Action Plan Stage XI (FY2023 - 2025)

CategoriesTargetsScope (*1)FY2023FY2024FY2025
ClimateTo reduce GHG emissions
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our business facilities to 30% or more compared to FY2020 by the end of FY2025
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Under 5,244 tons- CO2
(-10% or more)
4,525 tons - CO2
MetUnder 4,662 tons- CO2
(-20% or more)
Under 4,079 tons- CO2
(-30% or more)
To increase the adoption of renewable energy
Increase renewable energy use to 37.2% of total electricity by the end of FY2025
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
To reduce CO2 emissions derived from product use
Reduce CO2 emissions derived from product use to 12.5% or more compared to conventional models by the end of FY2025
Headquarters / Tokyo PlantSelection of applicable productSelectedMetNo less than 12.5%No less than 12.5%
Resource CirculationTo develop products and services conducive to circular economy business models
Develop products and services aimed to improve resource efficiency and resource circulation
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Selection of applicable activitiesSelectedMetDevelopment of products and services aimed to improve resource efficiency and resource circulation (*3)
To reduce plastic waste generations
Reduce the amount of plastic waste to 19% or more compared to FY2019 by the end of FY2025
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Under 77,000 kg
(-1% or more)
63,462 kg
MetUnder 63,000 kg
(-19% or more)
Under 63,000 kg
(-19% or more)
SDGsTo develop and deliver SDGs Contribution Solutions
Develop no less than 15 SDGs Contribution Solutions in total by the end of FY2025
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Omiya SC / FJFS
Other SE sites
No less than 5 solutions9 solutionsMetNo less than 10 solutions in totalNo less than 15 solutions in total
Social activities as good corporate citizenship
Promote broad social activities
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Omiya SC / FJFS
No less than 40 cases90 casesMetNo less than 60 casesNo less than 60 cases

*1: "Kumagaya SSC" stands for Kumagaya Service Solution Center, "Omiya SC" stands for Omiya Solution Center, "FJFS" stands for Fujitsu Frontech Systems Limited, "FDTP" stands for Fujitsu Die-tech Corporation of the Philippines and "FFNA" stands for Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc.
*2: The percentage is a result reflecting RE only in Japan. The percentage inside () is a result including RE outside Japan.
*3: We will strive to develop products and services aimed to improve resource efficiency and resource circulation, without setting a uniform KPI. After this target term is over, we will evaluate the concrete outcomes.

Environmental Action Plan Stage X (FY2021 - 2022)

Actions on Climate (Decarbonization)To reduce GHG emissions
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our business facilities to 24% or more compared to FY2013 by the end of FY2022
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Under 6,057 tons-CO2 (-24% or more)4,876 tons-CO2 (-38%)Met
To introduce renewable energy
Increase renewable energy use to 8% of total electricity by the end of FY2022
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
8%9.1% (26.7%)Met
To reduce CO2 emissions derived from product use
Reduce CO2 emissions derived from product use to 15% or more compared to FY2013 by the end of FY2022
Headquarters / Tokyo PlantNo less than 15%15.4%Met
Promotion of Resource CirculationTo promote resource efficiency of products
Enhance resource efficiency of products newly developed to 10% or more compared to FY2019 by the end of FY2022
Headquarters / Tokyo PlantNo less than 10%11.8%Met
Original ThemesTo reduce waste generations
Reduce the amount of waste to 27% or more compared to average level of FY2012-FY2014 by the end of FY2022
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Under 299 tons (-27% or more)227 tons (-45%)Met
To develop and deliver SDGs Contribution Solutions
Develop no less than 10 SDGs Contribution Solutions in total by the end of FY2022
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Omiya SC / FJFS
No less than 10 solutions in total16 solutions in totalMet
Social activities as good corporate citizenship
Promote broad social activities
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Omiya SC / FJFS
No less than 40 cases71 casesMet

Environmental Action Plan Stage IX (FY2019 - 2020)

ClimateTo reduce GHG emissions
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our business facilities to 8% or more compared to FY2013 by the end of FY2020
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Under 7,236 tons-CO25,827 tons-CO2Met
ResourceTo promote resource efficiency of products
Enhance resource efficiency of products newly developed to 20% or more compared to FY2014 by the end of FY2020
Headquarters / Tokyo PlantNo less than 20%24%Met
To reduce waste generations
Reduce the amount of waste to 27% or more compared to average level of FY2012-FY2014 by the end of FY2020
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Under 301 tons241 tonsMet
Supply chainTo reduce CO2 emissions derived from product use
Reduce CO2 emissions derived from product use to 14% or more compared to FY2013 by the end of FY2020
Headquarters / Tokyo PlantNo less than 14%17.2%Met
SDGsTo contribute to SDGs through ICT service
To contribute to SDGs through ICT business
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Omiya SC / FJFS
No less than 33 cases (*4)68 casesMet
[Original] Social Activities related to measures against climate change and protection of biodiversity
Support our employees to volunteer social activities with society
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Omiya SC / FJFS
No less than 53 cases60 casesMet

*4: Total action items in 3 themes of (1) Enhancement of understanding SDGs, (2) Communication with our customers and (3) Case studies of "SDGs Contribution Solutions" and PRs of them

Environmental Action Plan Stage VIII (FY2016 - 2018)

Our SocietyContribute to sustainable development of society through provision of ICT service
Develop more than 14 environmental contribution solutions from FY2016 to FY2018, to contribute to "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)"
Omiya SC / FJFSNo less than 14 cases20 casesMet
Enhance environmental value of product's life-cycle (Energy efficiency)
Achieve top-level energy efficiency of more than 50% of the products newly developed from FY2016 to FY2018
Headquarters / Tokyo PlantNo less than 50%50%(*5)Met
Enhance environmental value of product's life-cycle (Resource efficiency)
Promote eco design for resource saving and circulation and increase resource efficiency of products newly developed from FY2016 to FY2018 by 15%
Headquarters / Tokyo PlantNo less than 15%89%(*6)Met
Our businessReduce greenhouse gas emissions in our business facilities
Control greenhouse gas emissions in our business facilities to less than FY2013 by the end of FY2018
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Under 5,368 tons-CO24,941 tons-CO2Met
Control the amount of waste to less than the average level of FY2012-FY2014
Reduce the amount of waste to 20% or more compared to average level of FY2012-FY2014 by the end of FY2018
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Under 235 tons182 tonsMet
Original ThemeCorporate Citizenship: Social Activities related to measures against climate change and protection of biodiversity
Support our employees to volunteer social activities with society
Headquarters / Tokyo Plant
Niigata Plant
Kumagaya SSC
Omiya SC / FJFS
No less than 52 cases69 casesMet

*5: A total of 4 kinds of products among applied 8 kinds of products, could meet top level for energy efficiency.
*6: The average value of enhanced resource efficiency among applied 5 kinds of products

Related Links

  • Company introductory movie 2019
  • Company Brochure
  • YouTube FUJITSU FRONTECH Official Channel
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