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Fujitsu launches ‘Smart’ ATM for European Retail Banking

Fujitsu CEMEA&I

abril 08, 2014
  • The new FUJITSU ATM Series 100, manufactured in Spain, meets the evolving needs of European Banks
  • Fujitsu’s 360o Solutions for the Banking Industry, including end-to-end services and support, is now complete
  • Highly-secure user authentication with FUJITSU PalmSecure technology

ATMFujitsu today launches across Europe the first of a new family of ‘smart’ ATMs (Automated Teller Machines). Based on the company’s market-leading position and innovation in financial services technology in both Spain and Japan, Fujitsu is taking advantage of its 40 years’ experience and continued commitment to this sector to introduce the FUJITSU ATM Series 100. It enhances end-user interaction and communication, comprises a wide range of innovative security measures, and allows high degree of customization of its ‘look and feel’ to reflect each bank’s corporate branding using a ‘clip on cover’ system.

As banks have to be efficient to stay competitive, they are looking for technology and self service solutions to move services out of the branches and give their customers better control of their finances. Simultaneously, customers are increasingly getting used to making purchases in a wide range of ways, which is driving a revolution in ‘omni-channel’ retailing. Now able to buy ‘anything, anytime, anywhere’ via mobile devices, customers are demanding simple and secure means of payment from their banks.

Fujitsu estimates that in 2015, mobile NFC (Near Field Communications) payments will for the first time overtake credit and debit card payments. Over the next five years, more than 245,000 ATMs across Europe are due to be replaced and upgraded, with almost 40,000 additional ATMs likely to be installed. To address this opportunity, the company is bringing the new Fujitsu ATM Series 100 to the European market to complete its 360o Solutions for the Banking Industry.

The FUJITSU ATM Series 100, is the first of its kind to offer FUJITSU PalmSecure, a technology that authenticates the user by reading the unique pattern of veins in the palm of the hand, thereby maximizing security levels when incorporating mobile applications, such as access to the ATM using contactless technology, or interacting with mobile devices via NFC. With the most complete range of cash acceptance and dispensing, the FUJITSU ATM Series 100 also includes the latest technological advances in the market including cash recycler and mobility solutions.

In addition to all the basic functionalities, such as the cash dispensing, receipt printing, scanner, multimedia components or touchscreen, the system is designed for optimal operation, security and aesthetic appearance. Fujitsu has focused on a modular design and versatile configuration that scales and adapts to the financial institution’s changing needs. Reducing the ATMs weight to enable installation in small spaces, plus integrating specialized software to conduct periodic controls, provides operational and energy savings.

With Fujitsu’s own-IP technology and software, a manufacturing plant in Málaga, plus an ATM Management Center in Barcelona, both in Spain, Fujitsu’s banking portfolio now covers the complete value chain of services and support needed to ensure that retail banking distribution channels run smoothly. The portfolio covers business development, hardware design, application services, maintenance, channel helpdesk, remote management of ATM networks, logistics and repairs, as well as intellectual property control.

Supporting quote 

Juan José Alert, Head of Banking Business, Fujitsu
“Retail banking is evolving to meet the changing needs of customers who are demanding greater financial flexibility, and Fujitsu is committed to developing a new family of ‘smart’ ATMs– starting with the FUJITSU ATM Series 100 – drawing on our four decades of experience in this sector, our European Centre of Excellence for Banking Technology in Spain, and 360o Solutions for the Banking Industry.”

Masao Teramoto, Corporate Senior Vice President of FUJITSU FRONTECH LIMITED
“Fujitsu has indepth expertise in the global ATM business. Based on our experience and state-of-the-art technology, we are now also offering this new ATM, made in Spain, across Europe.”.

Pricing and availability

The FUJITSU ATM Series 100 is available to order direct from Fujitsu, with the first units available from April 2014.

Acerca de Fujitsu

Fujitsu es la compañía japonesa líder en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), con una gama completa de productos, soluciones y servicios tecnológicos. Sus 159.000 empleados dan soporte a clientes en más de 100 países. Utilizamos nuestra experiencia y el poder de las TIC para modelar el futuro de la sociedad con nuestros clientes. Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reportó 4,8 billones de yenes (40.000 millones de US$) en ingresos consolidados durante el año fiscal finalizado el 31 de Marzo de 2015. Para más información: 

Acerca de Fujitsu EMEIA

Fujitsu permite a los clientes aprovechar las oportunidades digitales con confianza, ayudándoles a balancear las TIC robustas y la innovación digital. La empresa líder en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) puede lograr esto gracias a su gama completa de productos, soluciones y servicios tecnológicos para profesionales, que van desde los sistemas workplace hasta las soluciones de data center, servicios gestionados, y software y soluciones basadas en la nube. La Visión de Fujitsu es permitir desarrollar una Sociedad Inteligente Centrada en las Personas que crea valor conectando infraestructura y las capacidades de las personas y definiendo creativamente nuevas formas de inteligencia. En Europa, Oriente Medio, India y África (EMEIA), Fujitsu emplea a más de 29.000 personas y forma parte del Grupo global de Fujitsu. Para obtener más información, por favor consulte 

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Company:GPS Imagen y Comunicación

Date: 08 abril, 2014