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IT Talent Sourcing


Optimized talent sourcing for the best in insourcing and outsourcing

New trends in service provisioning and utility models are allowing IT staff to focus on core business processes and shoring up the value chain. But you still need the right talent to ensure seamless transitions, smooth project executions and managing unplanned situations.

Fujitsu offers a simple answer: IT Talent Sourcing. The process-driven methodology eases IT talent supply chain management concerns, helping you effectively drive innovation, manage staff recruitment and retention, and even offer temporary staffs reprieve when you need key talents on short notice.

Why IT Talent Sourcing matters


You may have a great idea, an ongoing project or a streamlined operation, but you can’t always predict changes in talents and staff. To maintain a consistently high level of service, you need the right talents at the right time. When your IT staff is away, Fujitsu assists you by providing back fill so that your operations and projects can continue without hassle. Key benefits include:


What’s more, your HR requirements can change at any time. An urgent personal holiday, an unforeseen tragedy or resignation can waylay well-prepared plans. Sometimes, businesses may need urgent resources on a temporary basis but cannot afford to wait for recruitment processes. Fujitsu Back Fill Resource can fill this need on demand.

Demand in Resources
