The hyper-reliable network

1FINITY™ Ultra Optical System

1FINITY™ Ultra Optical System

Terabit optical networking

The 1FINITY™ Ultra Optical System incorporates the latest ROADM and transponder technologies.

With the 1FINITY™ Ultra Optical System, more is less. More wavelengths per fiber, more bits per wavelength — less effort to install, operate and maintain the network, and less power consumed per bit transported.

Extreme performance and hyper-reliability – welcome to the age of terabit optical networking.

What’s next for regional & long-haul networks?

Extreme scale and performance

Extreme scale and performance

  • Up to 150 Gbaud Digital Signal Processor (DSP) at 1.2 Tbps, upgradeable to 1.6 Tbps
  • 2× wavelengths per fiber in half the footprint with continuous C+L band
  • Increase reach or capacity up to 40% with forward Raman

Automated operations

Automated operations

  • Up to 92% less cabling with innovative architecture
  • Cuts ROADM installation time from days to hours
  • Automation-optimized wavelength performance
  • Automated fiber characterization

Enhanced sustainability

Enhanced sustainability

  • 70% lower power consumption than today’s systems
  • Liquid cooling for lower operating temperatures
  • Reduced fan speed for 50% quieter operation
The ideal balance of cost, reach & capacity - simplified

1FINITY Ultra Optical System


The 1FINITY Ultra Optical System uses next-generation technology, which employ terabit speeds, liquid cooling, continuous C+L scaling, forward Raman amplification, and AI/ML automation to simplify operations and optimize system performance.

Learn more
1FINITY Ultra Optical System
The coherent DSP evolution: enabling 800G waves everywhere


The coherent DSP evolution: enabling 800G waves everywhere

Our latest white paper explains how next-generation Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) can help operators build a better optical network.

Read the white paper

Automating optical transport networks

White Paper

Discover how new technologies in the latest generation of open optical line systems will reduce operation complexity while optimizing performance.

Read the white paper
Automated Open Line System - White Paper

Extreme scale & performance, enhanced sustainability

1Finity Ultra Optical System - Extreme scale & performance

Blog: Extreme scale & performance

1Finity Ultra Optical System - Sustainable operations

Blog: Innovative automation features for ROADM solutions

1Finity Ultra Optical System - Sustainable operations

Blog: Sustainable operations

T900 Transponder

L900 Series OLS

T950 Transponder

L310 and L320 DCI Open System

NTT selects the 1FINITY Ultra Optical System for next Japan-wide core network

DSP White Paper

1FINITY Ultra Optical System img

1FINITY UOS - arrow bottom section




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