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CSR Policy and Promotion Framework

To Advance CSR Activities as an Integral Part of Business

Nobuhiko Sasaki Corporate Executive Officer and Vice ChairmanNobuhiko Sasaki
Corporate Executive Officer
and Vice Chairman

The Fujitsu Group is committed to being a truly global ICT corporation that remains keenly responsive to the needs and expectations of all its stakeholders*1 while making a significant contribution to development that is sustainable for both society and the planet. With this in mind, in December 2010 the Fujitsu Group established a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy and determined five priority issues around which to focus its CSR practices. We also set Medium-Term Targets for these priority issues, to be achieved in FY2020, and we have been steadily progressing toward those targets.

However, with the advent of developments such as the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the UN and the issuing of the COP21 Paris Agreement, in recent years we have seen escalating demands for even greater efforts to build sustainable communities on a global scale. To increase the effectiveness of its global CSR activities in contributing to sustainable development, the Fujitsu Group is reviewing the priority issues and considering how best to build a global CSR management system, with a view to implementing it from next fiscal year. We will continue to promote CSR activities that are an integral part of our business and will disclose and share the results of our progress both inside and outside the company.

*1 The Fujitsu Group's Stakeholders:
The Group sees its customers, employees, business partners, shareholders and investors, and global and local communities as its stakeholders. Government authorities, NPOs, and NGOs are particularly important stakeholders in these global and local communities.

CSR Policy

CSR at Fujitsu is practiced by implementing the FUJITSU Way. In all its business activities, by implementing the FUJITSU Way in light of the expectations and needs of multiple stakeholders, the Fujitsu Group contributes to the sustainable development of society and the planet. Our CSR initiatives focus on the five challenges below.

In addressing these challenges, we demonstrate a commitment to responsible business operations as a global ICT company.

Key CSR Issues

Within the Fujitsu Group, the basic strategy working group established in 2010 by the CSR Promotion Committee conducted interviews with outside experts regarding the expectations and demands on Fujitsu, based on an awareness of international CSR norms and global social issues. The working group then formulated five priority issues in its basic CSR guidelines and has been promoting activities in line with those priority issues.

However, to provide more comprehensive CSR management, both domestically and internationally, a Group-wide review of the priority issues is under way. In FY2017, following discussions with managers in each region, six priority issues*2 were determined based on the key business areas identified the previous year, and the initiative was named the Global Responsible Business Strategy (GRBS). More intensive research was also conducted into each of the issues, and into the GRBS as a whole, with regard to building a globally unified activity promotion and management structure. In the future, we plan to set effective KPIs for the final deadline of 2030 and also to establish a scheme for checking our progress and applying enhancements, and from next fiscal year we will commence operations to globally address the new priority issues.

*2 The six priority issues:
Socio-economic ICT impacts; Environment; Ethical practices (compliance, supply chain management, occupational health and safety); Human rights and diversity and inclusion; Well-being and human resource development; Empowering community.

Organization Promoting CSR

Environmental Management Committee

As part of a reorganization at the end of June 2017, the Environmental Management Committee was established under the chairmanship of the President. The committee provides governance to ensure that the Fujitsu Group’s global environmental and CSR activities are promoted and widely disseminated throughout the Group. At the semi-annual meetings of the committee, the executives in charge of activities right across the Business Groups, including the respective department and overseas region heads, discuss and approve activity policies and measures relating to the environment and CSR. They also offer guidance and advice on improvements to help achieve even more beneficial outcomes. As of FY2018, this committee will become the Environmental & CSR Management Committee.

Implementing CSR Activities Utilizing ISO 26000

Strengthening Global CSR Management in the Fujitsu Group

In order to engage in CSR activities integrated with management, since FY 2012 the Fujitsu Group, along with the major departments below, have conducted CSR surveys based on ISO 26000, the international standard for social responsibility, aimed at Group companies in Japan and overseas.

The purpose of this monitoring is to ensure that our two initiatives of risk mitigation and value creation are taken up at all Group companies. First, in terms of risk mitigation, we will establish prevention and correction processes (due diligence) to minimize the effects of latent human rights and labor practice risks, including in our supply chain, which may negatively impact our corporate value. And, in terms of value creation, we contribute to solving issues facing regional societies, while maximally leveraging Group resources and undertaking activities conducive to generating value in the entire Group.

ISO 26000 Project Organization (Project office: CSR Division)
ISO 26000 (The seven core subjects) Department(s) in charge
Organizational Governance FUJITSU Way Office, CSR Division, Corporate Affairs and Risk Management Unit
Human Rights Diversity Promotion Office
Labor Practices Human Resources Unit
The Environment Corporate Environmental Strategy Unit
Fair Operating Practices Legal, Compliance & IP Unit, Corporate Purchasing Unit
Consumer Issues (for customers) Marketing Strategy Unit, Corporate Affairs and Risk Management Unit, Corporate Quality Management Unit
Community Involvement and Development Corporate Affairs and Risk Management Unit

In the future, we will review and modify the content of our questions in a format that combines our Global Responsible Business Strategy with ISO26000 so that, through the survey, we can more effectively clarify CSR issues within the Fujitsu Group.

Continuous Efforts and Future Development of CSR Surveys based on ISO26000

In FY2017, we conducted our 5th CSR (ISO26000)/Governance Survey at 101 key Fujitsu Group companies both inside and outside Japan (75 in Japan and 26 overseas). Following discussions with the major departments mentioned above in the preparatory stages of the survey, the content of the questions was revised to better ascertain the actual status of CSR activities and to more clearly identify the problems we need to address in the future. To this end, new questions were formulated in the fields of ‘Organizational Governance’ and ‘Environment’. This made it possible to identify in greater detail those areas where the actual scores have declined. Based on this survey, we are confirming issues at the various companies and working to enhance CSR activities that are synchronized with the individual measures for each of the major departments.

Overview of Progressive Changes for the Overall Fujitsu Group

Overview of Progressive Changes for the Overall Fujitsu Group

Overview of Survey Results by Topic (the examples below cover Human Rights and Labor Practices)

Overview of Survey Results by Topic (the examples below cover Human Rights and Labor Practices)
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