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Fujitsu and SNP Announce Global Platinum Partnership Agreement -Accelerating SAP® S/4HANA Conversion Business with Advanced Data Transformation Technologies

Fujitsu Limited,SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Heidelberg and Tokyo, September 24, 2020

Fujitsu Limited and Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE (SNP) have signed a Platinum Partnership agreement with the aim of providing the BLUEFIELD™ approach as the preferred method for SAP® S/4HANA conversions.

This Platinum Partnership combines the digital transformation capabilities of Fujitsu, a strong global brand with deep expertise in manufacturing, retail, financial services and other industries as well as SAP, with the unrivalled experience of the SNP Group, the world's leading provider of data transformation software in the SAP environment.

Outdated and complicated core systems often become a bottleneck for digital transformation (DX). As the deadline for the maintenance cutoff for SAP ERP 6.0 approaches, existing SAP users are advised to complete the conversion from SAP ERP 6.0 to SAP S/4HANA and to start moving to the next-generation ERP platform in order to become more intelligent by also taking full advantage of advanced technologies such as the IoT and AI. Fujitsu's expertise combined with SNP's BLUEFIELD™ approach will enable SAP users to complete this S/4HANA conversion process at an unprecedented speed and agility, and with minimum risks while ensuring business continuity.

Under this partnership, SNP will provide technical know-how of its BLUEFIELD™ approach to Fujitsu to perform S/4HANA conversion and data transformation projects. Fujitsu will also resell licenses of CrystalBridge®, the data transformation software platform of SNP, which consists of a wide range of modules that automate the analysis, data transition and tests. CrystalBridge® builds on technical expertise accumulated over 26 years of SNP's data transformation business. Thanks to this platform, which conducts a full analysis of customers' systems and processes and systematizes everything about the transition, conversions to SAP S/4HANA can be completed in as little as six months (on average a 75% reduction compared with the conventional conversion approach) while minimizing downtime.

Michael Eberhardt, Chief Operating Officer (COO) at SNP said, "We are excited to partner with Fujitsu given their global presence and professionalism, their leading technical approach, and their strong industry capabilities. This partnership underpins the fact that our software- and partner-centric strategy resonates well with the increasing market demand for automated software-based data transformations. By using our transformation platform CrystalBridge®, Fujitsu will be able to accelerate their customers' digital transformation journeys while offering the agility to respond quickly to changing market needs. SNP, on the other hand, will strengthen its presence across all key global economic regions and become even more globally accessible for the benefit of its partners and clients."

Shunsuke Onishi, Corporate Executive Officer, Head of Private Enterprise Business and Head of Global Services Business Group at Fujitsu Limited stated, "In order to remain competitive amidst the uncertainties of this unprecedented global pandemic, it's becoming more critical than ever to build and maintain a robust business foundation to respond quickly to unexpected changes. Leveraging SNP's technology with a strong global partnership will position Fujitsu to achieve optimal business infrastructure reform and modernization utilizing SAP's solutions, which represent the de facto standard for enterprise applications. This move will also allow us to accelerate structural reforms for growth including mergers, integration, and carve-outs. Fujitsu aims to become a go-to partner for customers seeking to embrace digital transformation, delivering ever greater, tangible value to customers along their DX journeys."

Through this partnership, Fujitsu will provide CrystalBridge® to its customers with favorable license pricing and will perform S/4HANA conversion and data transformation projects. Fujitsu and SNP will also work together to develop a business plan and marketing strategy to maximize the impact of this partnership. Prior to this partnership, SNP established SNP Japan on February 28, 2020. The Platinum Partnership agreement with Fujitsu will allow SNP to accelerate its business for Japanese and global companies. Meanwhile, Fujitsu will offer BLUEFIELD-based SAP S/4HANA conversions powered by CrystalBridge® starting in early October, supporting and accelerating the DX of its customers. Fujitsu aims to achieve a sales target of JPY10 billion (30 cases) globally by 2022 through this partnership.

By combining SNP's BLUEFIELD™ approach and Fujitsu's experience in manufacturing, retail and other industries as well as SAP, Fujitsu and SNP will provide the best solution that responds to the need of their customers to build a solid platform for DX while navigating around the unclear economic climate under COVID-19.

About Fujitsu

Fujitsu is the leading Japanese information and communication technology (ICT) company offering a full range of technology products, solutions and services. Approximately 130,000 Fujitsu people support customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 3.9 trillion yen (US$35 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. For more information, please see

About SNP

SNP is a world-leading provider of software for managing complex digital transformation processes. Instead of traditional IT consulting in the ERP environment, SNP offers an automated approach using specially developed software: The Data Transformation Platform CrystalBridge® and the SNP BLUEFIELD™ approach allow companies to restructure and modernize their IT landscapes much more quickly and securely as well as migrate to new systems or cloud environments more securely. This gives customers clear qualitative advantages while at the same time reducing their time and costs.

The SNP Group has around 1,500 employees worldwide. The company is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, and generated group revenues of around EUR 145 million in the 2019 fiscal year. It serves multinational companies in all industries. SNP was established in 1994, went public in 2000, and has been listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since August 2014 (ISIN DE0007203705) and was admitted to the SDAX® in March 2020. Since 2017, the company has been trading as a European company (Societas Europaea/SE). More information is available at

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SNP Corporate Headquarters
Nicole Huber

Phone: Phone: +49 6221 6425-920
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SNP JAPAN Marketing
Gen Ishii

Phone: Phone: +81 3 6737 4309
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Public and Investor Relations Division

Company:Fujitsu Limited

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Date: 24 September, 2020
City: Heidelberg and Tokyo
Company: Fujitsu Limited ,SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE