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Fujitsu Solution Square Debuts
Strengthening its software and services business for the ubiquitous networking era
Fujitsu Limited
Tokyo, November 27, 2003
Fujitsu Limited today announced the opening of Fujitsu Solution Square, a strategic center for its software and services business. Solution Square is designed as a launching pad for new work styles that enable more pervasive and direct interactions between people and information technology. Serving as a global knowledge hub for Fujitsu's solutions business, Solution Square will offer one-stop solutions and provide integrated global support with accelerated services.
Fujitsu's customers operate in a rapidly evolving business environment and a society where truly ubiquitous networking is rapidly becoming a reality. Accordingly, they require solutions driven by increasingly sophisticated use of information technology. At the same time, as IT systems become ever more diverse and complex, customers have a greater need for a partner who is able to provide them with comprehensive support.
Fujitsu has built its support system around the concept of life-cycle management, covering every step from planning and development to operation and maintenance. Using this approach, the company works with its customers to address the important management issues they face. With the opening of Fujitsu Solution Square, customers now have one convenient point of access to Fujitsu's solutions offerings.
Three challenges for Fujitsu Solution Square
The concept of creating a new work style based on people working more closely with technology revolves around the three specific points described below. Fujitsu Solution Square will itself be a showcase for this innovative work style.
1. Accelerating the speed of business
Gathering together 4,000 solutions experts Solutions experts specializing in fields such as finance, manufacturing, and retailing, who up until now had been scattered among multiple locations in the Tokyo-Yokohama region, will now be gathered together in Solution Square, enabling face-to-face communication to supplement IT-based modes of interaction in the work environment.
The "anywhere, anytime" office
- Making full use of IT, such as Internet-based video conferencing, PDAs and other mobile applications, solutions experts will be able to provide faster responsiveness to customers.
- Non-location-specific offices allow staff to pick their own workspace - whether a private or open space - to suit the task they are working on, thereby boosting productivity.
2. Using global knowledge management
Fujitsu Solution Square will share knowledge, encompassing expertise as well as documents, in real time with Fujitsu's operations around the world, including Fujitsu Services in the U.K. and Fujitsu Consulting in North America, thereby maximizing group synergy and offering customers the most appropriate value-added solutions.
3. Implementing strict security
In a business environment where people can share information from any location, security must be provided for at every level-network, information, and personnel. Security will be approached from various angles to create a completely secure environment.
New work style models pioneered at Fujitsu Solution Square will be packaged as solutions that are expected to be made commercially available to customers.
The premises of Fujitsu Solution Square were designed to be environmentally friendly. Constructed with 100% recycled concrete from the previous structure on the site, it also uses energy efficient cooling and lighting systems as well as a rooftop garden that is designed to absorb shocks from earthquakes.
With Solution Square as a base, and with other key business sites such as Makuhari System Laboratory for systems integration and System Centers in Tatebayashi, Akashi and Tokyo for infrastructure services, Fujitsu's Software & Services Group will work together with overseas affiliates to create an integrated team, providing customers with comprehensive global solutions.
About Fujitsu
Fujitsu is a leading provider of customer-focused IT and communications solutions for the global marketplace. Pace-setting technologies, highly reliable computing and telecommunications platforms, and a worldwide corps of systems and services experts uniquely position Fujitsu to deliver comprehensive solutions that open up infinite possibilities for its customers' success. Headquartered in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 4.6 trillion yen (US$38 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003.
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Press Release ID: 2003-0215
Date: 27 November, 2003
City: Tokyo
Fujitsu Limited,