Fujitsu Makes Contribution to Relief Efforts following Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines November 15, 2013 - Fujitsu and its employees extend their sincere condolences to the victims of the recent Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. To support relief efforts and the safety and security of local communities, the Fujitsu Group has decided to make a combined corporate donation of five million yen. Fujitsu will work through its local subsidiaries to assist all-out efforts to recover social infrastructure in the area.
Regarding Media Report on Financial Results February 05, 2013 - There was a report in the media today speculating on Fujitsu Limited's consolidated financial results. This report is not based on any information released by Fujitsu. Fujitsu is currently in the process of compiling its FY 2012 third-quarter financial results, and will make an official announcement on February 7, 2013.
Regarding Media Reports on Semiconductor Business February 01, 2013 - Today there were certain media reports concerning the Fujitsu Group's semiconductor business. These reports are not based on any official announcement made by Fujitsu or interview between a Fujitsu executive and the media. No decision has been made regarding this matter.