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富士通獎學金 國際領導管理學程開始申請

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全球IT及客戶解決方案的領導品牌Fujitsu(富士通),在推動科技及人力資源發展上向來不遺餘力。1985年成立了管理學程獎學金(Fujitsu Management Scholarship Program)。獎學金成立目的在於培育國際人才,並透過提供管理教育來深化國際間不同文化間的溝通與相互了解。 JAIMS (日美經營科學研究所)由富士通所成立,在日本是非常知名的非營利教育機構,運用野中郁次郎博士所建構的知識創造理論,設計「追求創新與知識的全球領導人」訓練,提供授證管理學程。 自1972年開始就是跨文化教育領域中的領先者。迄今已有來自54個國家,超過22,000人參與JAIMS課程,學習在國際職場勝出所需之技巧。


  • Tuition fee.
  • Stipend toward living expenses.
  • Airfare.


  • 即日起至2020年3月31日截止


  • A bachelor's degree or a degree equivalent to a four-year standard baccalaureate degree in any discipline from a regionally or nationally accredited institution.
  • A minimum TOEFL score of 577/233/90 (paper/computer/Internet), TOEIC score of 750, or IELTS(Academic) overall band test result of 6.5 or higher from a test taken within the last five years at the time of application. 
  • A minimum of three years of relevant full-time work experience (ten to fifteen years preferred) at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be a resident of the state of Hawaii, U.S.A., or a citizen of one of the following countries: Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, or Vietnam.



若有疑問請洽Fujitsu Scholarship Program Office
聯絡電話: +81-3-6424-6621

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Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge是一個密集式的國際領導管理學程,由JAIMS主辦,協助學員具備國際管理觀及培養在亞洲企業環境勝出的自信。課程內容包含三個月在日本、夏威夷、新加坡、泰國的實體課程,以及一周在日本的成果發表:

  • Strategy: to visualize the future by judging the situation and take prompt action for realizing it.
  • Knowledge management:to share and create knowledge, and make innovation happen.
  • Finance: to effectively use the resources for making innovation happen.
  • History: to position the current situation in the large context.
  • Law: to judge social goodness.
  • Multi-culture: to collaborate with others in global community.
  • Concept creation: to create a unique and new concept.
  • Negotiation: to influence others in realizing the concepts.
  • Site visits: to picture future vision and realize good.
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