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Cost Effectiveness in Enterprise Communications, While Enhancing Values

May 22, 2009 (Friday)


Although telecommunication technologies have merged over decades, most enterprises’ infrastructures and operations are still based on traditional PBX technologies and practices. According to Gartner, Unified Communications (UC) will be the industry standard for knowledge workers by 2013*.

Having “Cost Effectiveness” as the buzz words at the moment, enterprises are reviewing their current PAB systems. Ultimately, the goals of Unified Communications are reducing cost, improving productivity by collaboration, and providing additional values than legacy PBX.

Being market leaders in voice communication solution and owns one of the largest fibre-to-the building telecom networks in HK, Fujitsu and HGC both have a great vision on the technology evolution and gained much experience on the deployment. Join us and you will find out how to:

• Catch up with the trend and technology on enterprise communications to fulfill your needs
• Deploy UC and capitalize existing investments
• Maximize the advantages and values from using IPUC

What's more, we will share a real customer case on deploying UC for cost reduction and adding benefits.

* Source: "Gartner’s Top Predictions for IT Organizations and Users, 2009 and Beyond: Where Is the Money?", Daryl C. Plummer, Bob Hafner., Janelle B. Hill, Phillip Redman, Robert H. Brown, Ken Dulaney, William Clark, David A. Willis, C.G.Lee, Charles Smulders, Alan Dayley, Bill Rosser, Gartner Research


Venue Pacific Place Conference Centre
2:00 - 5:00pm
5/F. One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong.

Hong Kong