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Activities to Disseminate the Fujitsu Way

Promoting Group-wide dissemination

In the Fujitsu Group, all Group companies around the world adopt the Fujitsu Way and reflect it in their activities, creating a unified direction for the enhancement of corporate governance.
Business unit directors and company presidents each select one Fujitsu Way leader, who then work with top management to further disseminate the Fujitsu Way in ways appropriate to their organizations.

Working with Fujitsu Way leaders

Masami Fujita Corporate SEVP & Representative Director Masami Fujita
Corporate SEVP & Representative Director


To ensure deeper dissemination of the Fujitsu Way within the Fujitsu Group, Fujitsu Way leaders gather to share information on rolling out dissemination activities at each organization.

Fujitsu Way Conference

In November 2012, Fujitsu Way leaders in Japan gathered for the Fujitsu Way Conference. At the conference, the vice president of Fujitsu expressed the expectations that management had to all employees at the time the Fujitsu Way was established. In looking back at the factors for success in projects and business activities, leaders expressed the importance of setting an example of executing the Fujitsu Way for other employees. Streaming video of the conference was made available to all employees.

Fujitsu Way Leader Training Program

The training program primarily for newly appointed Fujitsu Way leaders was also held for FY2012. The program included time for participants to get a feel for the starting point for the Fujitsu Way embodied in historic Fujitsu products on display at the Fujitsu DNA exhibition hall, an employee training center at the Numazu Plant. The event provided an opportunity to share information on best practices for disseminating the Fujitsu Way in the Fujitsu Group and to discuss good examples displayed by the leaders. As a result, participants expressed strengthened pride in the Fujitsu Group and commitment to disseminate the Fujitsu Way further.

Implementation of e-Learning

An e-Learning program designed to promote understanding of Fujitsu Way basics has been provided for Fujitsu Group employees worldwide. About 90% of Group employees have completed the course.

The nearly 100,000 Group employees who were trained in the first half of FY 2009 in Japan studied the words of senior management over the years and reconfirmed the origins of the Fujitsu Way. Outside of Japan, we began offering the e-Learning program in 16 languages from FY 2011. To date, some 50,000 employees overseas have taken part in the program. (A cumulative total of around 60,000 hours was spent on employee training worldwide as of March 31, 2013.)

Providing more Fujitsu Way tools

Wallet-sized cards and booklets explaining the Fujitsu Way are distributed to Group employees around the world, with posters also posted at workplaces. In FY2012, booklets are made available in 18 languages. In addition, a video of president Yamamoto explaining the underlying meaning of the Fujitsu Way is on the corporate intranet. The video includes a message about Fujitsu's contribution to society through its business activities.

Division Activities to Disseminate the Fujitsu Way

Fujitsu Way leaders, in cooperation with managers, spearhead efforts to advance activities for disseminating the Fujitsu Way among employees. In conducting activities, leaders and managers seek ways to clarify connections between each division's own policies and objectives and the Fujitsu Way.

Dissemination Activity Examples


In FY 2012, we set forth the following three areas of focus for dissemination activities at Fujitsu University (FJU). The activities were carried out in small groups.

(1) Recognize the Fujitsu Way's connection to the FJU medium-term plan, strategic objectives for each group, and the mission of every employee
(2) Link daily business activities with execution of the Fujitsu Way
(3) Promote understanding of the Fujitsu Way among other group activities at FJU

Inviting all employees, including executives, to participate in a kick-off session in July, cross-organizational follow up meeting in September, and panel exhibition showcasing activity achievements in February, we have achieved the following:

  • Through these activities, employees reconfirmed the Fujitsu Way's connection to their own department's policies, and their own daily work, and enhanced their awareness of the Fujitsu Way.
  • Each employee had time to carefully think about his or her own tasks, and was able to clearly reconfirm the individual actions they should be taking.
  • At the cross-organizational follow up meeting, representatives from each small group explained the value and content of their activities. Through this dialogue, all employees gained a better understanding of one another while also fostering a better sense of project ownership and unity as a company and re-energizing their commitment to Fujitsu Way activities.

Comments from Fujitsu Way Administrators

The employee training and development of teaching materials since FY 2009 has encouraged employees to naturally reflect the spirit of principles such as "Customer-Centric Perspective," "Firsthand Understanding," and "Teamwork" in their actions. We recognize these activities are helping to improve customer satisfaction in the Group.

Left: Cross-organizational follow up meeting, Right: Reporting of Fujitsu Way activity achievements