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Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

Approximately 150,000 employees are active across the world in the Fujitsu Group. We would like to grow as an organization together with each employee by embracing individuality and bringing together a diverse group, without bias toward nationality, gender, age differences, or disabilities.

Diversity and Inclusion Policies

Based on the statement "We respect diversity and support individual growth" in the Corporate Values of the Fujitsu Way, in 2014 the Fujitsu Group organized its policies on diversity and inclusion as follows, and is working as a Group to further promote these.

Direction of Fujitsu Group Diversity and Inclusion

The Fujitsu Group will undertake the promotion of diversity and inclusion, primarily initiatives aimed at nine attributes with the following three objectives, and will connect this undertaking to strengthened competitiveness as a company.

Direction of Fujitsu Group Diversity and Inclusion

In 2008, Fujitsu set up the Diversity Promotion Office as an organization to promote activities aimed at respect for diversity. Drawing on "Diversity-Driven Innovation" as its theme, the Diversity Promotion Office's vision for Fujitsu sets forth the following two objectives:

  • Improving individual growth and job satisfaction
    That all employees will have mutual respect for one another, that each will demonstrate their own personal added value and that everyone will contribute to the organization.
  • Improving corporate competitiveness and growth
    That we will continue to create new knowledge and technologies through free and active discussions from a variety of viewpoints.

To achieve these two objectives, we are aiming to create workplaces where people can work energetically, create new value, realize coexistence and mutual prosperity with society, and develop Fujitsu into an even better company.

Our Framework for Promotion of Diversity

The Diversity Promotion Office engages in the promotion of diversity under the company President and the officer in charge of diversity (the current Vice-President).

In Japan, diversity promotion managers selected from each company engage in this work while sharing information in diversity promotion manager meetings at domestic Group companies.

Overseas, Fujitsu promotes diversity within each of four regions while sharing information at venues such as the Global Director's Meeting for Human Resources Conference.

Efforts at Promoting Diversity

To review the status of its diversity promotion, Fujitsu has been carrying out an annual survey on Diversity and Inclusion, aimed at all corporate officers, employees and temporary staff. The survey, together with other sources of information, revealed four items to be addressed by the company: management by supervisors, the workplace environment, awareness among individual employees, and work-life balance. Based upon these, we are placing our focus on undertaking three key activities: reform of mindset and culture in the organization, support for individual success, and reform of way of working.

From FY2017, based on the Stage 4 theme of “Further Practice/Business Contribution”, we will implement a variety of new activities in addition to continuing and expanding existing activities.

Efforts at Promoting Diversity

Targets and Primary Measures
  Period Target Primary Measures to Address Targets
1 2008-2010:
Awareness and Under-standing
  • Foster awareness and understanding of diversity promotion among all corporate officers and employees
  • Conduct surveys of employee awareness of diversity
  • Implement e-learning programs
  • Build human networks for minorities
2 2011-2013:
Under-standing and Practice
  • Promote workplace diversity
  • Support more active participation by female employees
  • Promote measures among Group companies in Japan
  • Select managers to represent diversity promotion in business units and hold study meetings.
  • Determine the actual status of workplaces through interviews of division managers
  • Set quantitative targets for active participation by female employees and conduct training.(target: a 20% ratio of female employees by FY2020 and a 20% ratio of newly appointed female managers by FY2020)
  • Hold briefings for domestic Group companies, hold events for employees of domestic Group companies
3 2014-2016:
Practice and Business Contribution
  • Support diversity promotion at workplaces oriented toward generating innovation
  • Expand and improve our pipeline for producing a variety of employees (focusing on female employees) with leadership skills
  • Promote measures among domestic and overseas Group companies
  • Implement specially designed activities to address issues and needs in different divisions and positions
  • Implement level-specific measures to support the active participation of female employees
  • Survey the status of each Group company and share the results
4 2017-:
Further Practice and Business Contribution
  • Support the promotion of workplace diversity aimed at creating innovation
  • Enhance our pipeline for producing a variety of employees (focusing on female employees) with leadership skills
  • Expand measures to domestic and overseas Group companies
  • Enhance involvement by managers in diversity promotion activities in order to reform organizational climate
  • Further enhance pipeline aimed at achieving numerical targets
  • Prevent quitting of female employees, particularly young female employees
  • Promote diversity promotion activities and support for individuals in the workplace

Key Examples of Specific Measures

In addition to working on targets specific to Stages 1 to 4, we are also implementing the following measures across all three Stages.

Main activities Specific measures
Reform of mindset and culture in the organization
  • Communication of Top Message from the management
  • Companywide diversity promotion forums
  • Surveys concerning diversity
  • Interviews with top management and meetings with experts
  • Workplace management training (for all directors and section managers)
  • Implementation of e-Learning (currently rolling out at Group companies in Japan)
  • Support for initiatives at all workplaces
  • Expansion within Group companies in Japan and overseas
  • Holding of a diversity film meeting
Support for individual success [Measures to promote active participation by women]
  • Female Leadership Development Program (for female leaders)
  • Career Workshop for Female Employees (for female leaders)
  • Career Development Seminar (for female leaders, primarily younger employees)
  • Diversity mentors (GM class)
  • Networking events (by position/area)
[Measures to support the disabled]
  • Forum for employees with disabilities
  • Establishment of special subsidiaries
  • Expansion/publication of the Work Style Guidelines
[Measures for foreign national employees in Japan]
  • Forum for foreign national employees in Japan
  • Seminar for department heads managing foreign national employees
  • Employment-support website for foreign national employees
[Support for employees with time limitations]
  • Forum for employees with younger children
  • Forum for supervisors of employees with younger children
  • Seminar for establishing a better understanding of infants, toddlers, and employees raising small children
  • Seminar on finding a balance between work and nursing care
[LGBT-related measures]
  • Expansion of the scope of internal systems
  • Seminar on LGBT issues
Reform of way of working
  • Seminars on reforming ways of working (childcare/nursing care and childcare-conscious bosses, etc.)
  • Workshop on reforming ways of working through digital technology
  • Activities for Telework Day and Telework Month

Recognition in the Diversity Management Selection 100 Program (FY2013)
The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry recognized Fujitsu as a company that engages in management practices that generate innovation and create value by promoting diversity and utilizing a diverse mix of human resources.


Platinum Kurumin certification (FY2015)
The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare gave Fujitsu special certification as a company that supports families raising children.

"Platinum Kurumin" certification

Selection as a Nadeshiko Brand (FY2015)
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange selected Fujitsu as a FY2015 “Nadeshiko Brand,” a designation recognizing enterprises that work to empower women in the workplace.


Eruboshi (Level 3) certification (FY2016)
The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, under the provisions of the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, certified Fujitsu as a company demonstrating excellent performance in promoting the active participation of women, etc.

Eruboshi Logo

PRIDE Index Gold Award (FY2016/FY2017)
Work with Pride, a private organization, named Fujitsu a recipient of a PRIDE Index Gold Award, which recognizes companies that satisfy all elements of the “Pride Index”-Japan’s first index to evaluate LGBT-related efforts by corporations, etc

PRIDE Index Gold Award

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Supporting the Active Participation of Female Employees

As an immediate high-priority issue, Fujitsu is setting quantitative targets to reliably create significant numbers of female managers, while promoting activities to achieve these targets.

In more specific terms, we are selecting female employees who are or could potentially be team leaders and, in coordination with the relevant workplace, management level, HR division, and the Diversity Promotion Office, establishing and implementing training programs appropriate for these individuals as candidates for promotion. For other levels of employees, we also hold workshops and events to encourage them to review their careers and envision their future career path. We are also planning and implementing networking events as opportunities to receive fresh encouragement from others.

Furthermore, to help our female employees improve their self-esteem and enhance job satisfaction, we hold forums for all our female employees and giving publicity to role models.

Note that we use the same recruitment standards regardless of gender with respect to promotion of managers at Fujitsu.

Trends in Women Managers (Fujitsu Limited)

Measures Aimed at Promoting Active Participation by Women

Measures Aimed at Promoting Active Participation by Women

Female Leadership Development Program (from FY 2011)

Picture: Scene from team exercisesScene from team exercises

Fujitsu has initiated the Female Leadership Development Program, designed to support long-term career furtherance by its female employees. Through the program, Fujitsu is developing human resources to serve in leadership roles, while grooming future management staff.

Open to members selected by each division, this roughly half-year program seeks to boost awareness of career options and develop managerial skills through intensive classes centered mainly on team activities, coupled with on-the-job training. Diversity mentors, acting as team activity advisors and role models, provide advice and guidance, and each team offers its own suggestions to management at the end of the program.

To enhance effectiveness, the program is conducted in coordination with key staff members from worksites, management, personnel, the Diversity Promotion Office, and Fujitsu University, who all work together for the program's success.

Over 60% of all program graduates have already earned promotions, an achievement that testifies to the program’s importance in helping women flourish.

Career Workshop for Female Employees

One of Fujitsu’s new measures for FY2017 was the full-scale start of the Career Workshop for Female Employees, which was held on a trial basis last fiscal year.

Tailored to leadership class-ranking female employees at various sites, the program brought participants together for conversations with several role models and discussions with top management in an effort to help women secure appointments and promotions. Participating in the program allows female employees to dispel their own preconceived notions of executive appointments, broaden their career options, and nurture the kind of far-reaching perspective that higher-ranking positions demand.

Career Development Seminar

Fujitsu offers seminars for applicants from the G3 (sub-team leader) level, aimed at career development for female employees.

Through group discussions and lectures by role models inside and outside of the company, this program aims to foster a mind-set for taking on daily challenges and to foster mid- and long-term career consciousness aimed at sustainable growth of the individual.

Diversity mentors

Starting in FY 2011, we have been setting up "diversity mentors," selected from the ranks of upper level female managers, who will support the personal and career development of our female employees from a different standpoint than their immediate supervisors. Diversity mentors act as advisors for team activity in the above Female Leadership Development Program, offering advice and guidance as role models for program participants.

We also conduct dialog circles led by diversity mentors and officers on the theme of active participation by women.

Participation in the Kanagawa Women’s Activity Support Group

Declaration of ConductDeclaration of Conduct

In November 2015, Fujitsu became one of the supporting companies of the Kanagawa Women’s Activity Support Group, an entity consisting of top officials from local governments (Kanagawa Prefecture), companies, universities, and other organizations to support women’s activities. In this initiative, supporting members communicate the related initiatives of their own organizations in the form of declarations of conduct, with the aim of generating a movement to support women’s activities in society overall.

All members of the support group are men, selected from top management of companies that are headquartered in Kanagawa or have major workplaces in the Prefecture, and that are proactive in initiatives to help women exert their capabilities and be active. In FY2015, the group consisted of top management from 10 corporations and was headed by the Prefectural Governor.

At the formation ceremony on November 5, 2015, Fujitsu President Tanaka delivered a declaration of conduct aimed at expansion of the movement to promote activity by women.

Welcoming 10 new member companies in FY2016, the group is working to energize its activities.

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Supporting the Active Roles and Promoting Employment by People with Disabilities

Fujitsu employs people with disabilities without limitations on where they may work. People with disabilities, therefore, are working in a wide variety of positions, including as researchers, developers, sales staff, systems engineers, and business staff.

To hire people with disabilities, we have prepared a pamphlet for students with disabilities and included in it specific information such as interviews with current employees with disabilities, Fujitsu's perspective on hiring people with disabilities, and the range of jobs available once a person is hired. We hope this assuages any anxiety and conveys an environment where anyone can actively work, with or without a disability. Correspondingly, we implement long-term follow up from initial human resource development until the employee is established, so that workers can stay with Fujitsu for the long term. One example of this is training for new employees and interviews together with their workplace in order to bring out the best of the individual's abilities.

In addition, Fujitsu holds forums on the creation of networks of disabled employees and the creation of workplaces where everyone can produce results regardless of any disability they may have. Moreover, we publicize on our intranet role models and manuals for workplaces that can accept disabled employees.*1 The rate as of June 2018: 2.28%

Trends in Employment Rate of People with Disabilities (Fujitsu Limited)

Diversity promotion forums for employees with disabilities

Fujitsu holds forums aimed at supporting the active participation of employees with disabilities. In FY2017, under the theme of “creating a workplace where anyone can perform,” we held lectures by outside guests and lectures by Paralympians at Fujitsu. At the end of the forum, all participants (even those without disabilities) participated in a game of the Paralympic sport Boccia. All participants really enjoyed the opportunity to become more familiar with the Paralympics.

Establishing Special Subsidiaries*2for Promoting the Employment of People with Disabilities

Picture: Work in progress at Fujitsu Harmony LimitedWork in progress at Fujitsu Harmony Limited

Fujitsu establishes special subsidiaries to provide more forms of employment for workers with disabilities. These subsidiaries give consideration to the particularities of each employee's disability and aim to be workplaces where these employees can play a more active role.

*2 Special subsidiary:
A subsidiary that requires authorization by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare and is established with particular consideration for people with disabilities.

Special subsidiaries of the Fujitsu Group
Company name Establishment People with disabilities Main work Workplace
Fujitsu FSAS & Sun LTD. 1995 30 Repair of ATMs, PCs, circuit boards; other work related to Fujitsu's maintenance services Beppu
Fujitsu Harmony Limited 2013 105 Recycling, office environment, health keeping, novelty creation, meeting/event operation support, ordering/sales of catered lunchboxes, health checkup support Kawasaki, Numazu, Shinagawa, Shibaura, Yokohama, Shin-Koyasu, Aomori, Sapporo, Nagano, Sendai, Niigata, Omiya, Okinawa
Fujitsu SSL Harmony Ltd. 2017 12 Activities related to internal delivery, office support, office environment maintenance/management, activities related to recycling Kawasaki

* As of April 1, 2017, Fujitsu absorbed Fsol Act and Fujitsu FCMS Challenged into Fujitsu Harmony.

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Recruitment of and Support for Active Participation by Global Talent

With sights on global business expansion, Fujitsu takes part in career events in and outside Japan geared to foreign students, as well as holding its own seminars and accepting university students from abroad for internships. Through these and other actions, Fujitsu is recruiting foreign nationals studying in Japan and university graduates from other countries, bringing the total of foreign nationals working at Fujitsu to 383 as of March 31, 2017.

Support for Foreign Employees in Japan

Fujitsu launched the Integr8 project in 2007 to enable foreign national employees to contribute and utilize their full potential. We have since undertaken the creation of good working environments for these employees.

At the launch of the project, we set up a system in English on our intranet to field questions and requests for consultation, and created an intranet to explain rules, regulations, personnel-related procedures for activities such as business travel, the visa acquisition process, living necessities, and so on, to help foreign national employees settle into the Fujitsu organizational environment and life in Japan.

Since then, Integr8 has expanded the scope of its activities to encourage cross-cultural interaction among employees of differing nationalities and to support the international integration of Fujitsu workplaces. With the goal of supporting the formation of global society within the Fujitsu Group and fostering a mindset that accepts cultural differences and embraces diversity, the program holds lectures and other events, including discussions aimed at the supervisors of foreign national employees.

Seminar for department heads managing foreign national employees

Fujitsu held a workshop to share best practices involving the issues faced by foreign nationality employees and the management issues faced by their supervisors. The workshop, which targeted department heads who manage such foreign employees, made use of the Practical Manual for Making Use of High-Level Foreign Human Resources that was planned and produced by Fujitsu Research Institute under contract by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Expansion within Group Companies in Japan and Overseas

In fiscal 2011, we held briefings for diversity promotion managers at each of our Group companies in Japan, and in fiscal 2014, reported on the state of domestic Group companies overall and presented case studies from the companies. Fujitsu also carried out events, questionnaire surveys, e-Learning, and other activities targeting Group companies in Japan. As a new policy measure in FY2015, we held a networking event for female managers in domestic Group companies. In FY2017, this networking event was attended by 67 female managers from Fujitsu and Group companies.

In order to further promote our activities for global diversity, at venues including our Global Director's Meeting for Human Resources Conference, we share the status of progress and best practices in each company and region while communicating our Group-wide policies on diversity and inclusion. In FY2017, we implemented a global survey on the status of progress in each region. We will use the survey results a basis for further strengthening collaboration.

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