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Ready for the ISO protocol – openFT with FTAM

FTAM support is an add-on to openFT to support and participate in IT applications based on FTAM transfer protocol, e.g. among public authorities or in the banking sector.

More network and transport protocols, more security

File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) is a standardized data communications protocol for file transfer according to ISO 8571. Originally this standard was part of the OSI set of standards. Today FTAM is regarded as a well-designed and comprehensive protocol that includes the File Transfer Service.

openFT Secure File TransferWhen compared with competitor products, openFT reliably covers security aspects (FTAC) and supports more networks, including NEA and X25. It can also be used for a wider range of platforms, especially OSD/BS2000. The enhanced version openFT with FTAM supports the following two standards: Simple File Transfer and Filestore Management (application profiles A/111 and A/13) as defined in the international standard profiles ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3 (CEN/CENELEC ENV 41204) and ISO/IEC ISP 10607-6 (ENV 41205). It also supports all FTAM guidelines in UK GOSIP (Government OSI Profile) V 3.1/4.0 and the limited US GOSIP V2.0.

Key features of openFT with FTAM

  • openFT mit FTAM offers flexibility: The user can switch from openFT to OSI/FTAM at any time without any impact on the applications – provided that the functions used are supported by the FTAM protocol.

  • openFT mit FTAM enables customers already using openFT products based on the openFT protocol to connect with all systems that support the FTAM protocol.
  • openFT mit FTAM enables communication via TCP/IP based on RFC 1006 and via ISOWAN, ISO-LAN. 
  • openFT mit FTAM automatically initiates recovery if a file transfer is interrupted.
  • openFT mit FTAM includes FTAC functions that ensure complete and individually definable system protection in communications with both openFT as well as FTAM partners.