
As technology advances, a revolution in education is taking place. By digitizing learning and teaching methods, the quality of education can be greatly enhanced, while students can learn more efficiently.

In order to highlight the benefits of a digital campus, Fujitsu supported the Innovative Digital Campus Solutions Day held by e-Campus Today (今日校園) earlier in March. The event invited educators in Hong Kong to learn more the technology available today and how to improve the learning experience with the help of tailor-made solutions.

Fujitsu executives demonstrated how scanning solutions can streamline workflows and facilitate a multi-media teaching environment. For example, thanks to the latest VI technology on the ScanSnap SV600 with features including Page Turning Detection, Book Image Correction, Multiple Document Detection, and e-marking solutions, teachers can digitize resources and student records without trouble, saving time and energy which can be used to better enhance the teaching experience. For more information please click here.

With different factories located across China and Southeast Asia, manufacturers in APAC require flexible IT infrastructure to support their business needs. To overcome the challenges associated with finding IT talent and maintaining in-house IT infrastructure, many manufacturers are now outsourcing their IT services. Fujitsu’s integrated approach means that we can simultaneously support multi-site operations located across different regions, improving productivity and efficiency. With the professional knowledge of our IT experts, companies can develop and implement effective IT strategies with a clear technology roadmap and the flexibility to scale as the business evolves.

Want to know more about how IT services are facilitating the growth of Asia’s manufacturing industry? Click here to read on.