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Communicating with Stakeholders

The Fujitsu Group works to communicate with our customers, employees, business partners, shareholders, investors, local and international communities, and all of our diverse stakeholders.

Environmental Dialogues with Experts

In order to boost environmental management that reflects the changes and needs of society, the Fujitsu Group believes that it is important to have occasions for dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders and to build relationships of assured trust. Group environmental dialogue has been one part of this effort since FY2011. Experts have been invited in far-ranging fields, including representatives of NPOs, universities, and media organizations, to engage in dialogue on various themes centered on the environment. Such dialogue sessions have been held 31 times so far (as of July, 2018), and discussions held with a total of 89 experts.

Photo: 28th Environmental Dialogues

Past Dialog Sessions

Times Date Theme
31 st June 19, 2018 Renewable Energy Dialogue - RE100 and global trend -
30 th February 8, 2018 The Circular Economy - impact on business and necessity -
29 th December 1, 2018 Formulation of environmental strategy based on TCFD recommendations
28 th March 24, 2017 Trend of global environmental finance
27 th January 24, 2017 Renewable energy introduction scenario
26 th October 6, 2016 About zero emissions feasibility - from a technical point of view -

Click here for the past list (245 KB/A4, 1 page)

Discussing Scenarios for the Mid/Long-term Environmental Vision

received advice on things such as the element technology that would be the key in the future, and methods of effective use of energy in partnership with the local community. Further, considering the importance of utilization of renewable energy and credit in addition to energy conservation for the transition from low-carbon to zero emissions, we asked for information on matters such as the status of implementation of renewable energy around the world, systems to encourage implementation, and trends in JCM and other credit systems, and exchanged opinions regarding them.

With these opinions from outside experts and discussions as a reference, we formulated the vision scenario for achieving zero emissions ourselves looking toward 2050, as a target to be achieved by the entire Fujitsu Group in the medium and long term. In the future, in addition to striving to achieve the medium/long-term vision, we will contribute to society through the utilization of ICT to its fullest.