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CSR Activity Targets and Achievements

The Fujitsu Group conducts CSR activities in line with 5 priority issues, with the aim of meeting its medium-term targets for 2020.

Basic CSR Management Basic CSR Management

Levels of Performance

★★★ : Achieved plan targets
★★ : Not all plan targets were achieved and some issues remain to be addressed
: Plan targets have not been achieved
Targets and Achievements
Category FY 2017 Targets FY 2017 Performance FY 2018 Targets Medium-Term Targets
(FY 2020)
Promoting CSR Activities Across the Group
  • Formulate KPI and promote related activities based on the new CSR policies.
  • Enhance the CSR Board Conferences and the Local Execution Personnel Meetings.
  • Aggregated opinions from global sites to prepare for formulating global targets based on the new CSR policies.
  • Established a new Global Management System to promote “responsible business.”
Not all plan targets were achieved and some issues remain to be addressed
  • Formulate global targets and implementation plans based on the new CSR policies.
  • Instill global CSR management via a system to promote responsible business.
  • We have CSR management processes in place across the Group and implement CSR initiatives in line with global standards, including those for value chains.
Implementing the PDCA Cycle Based on Our Vision
  • Enhance the integrated reports.
  • Improve and execute internal processes based on international norms and industry standards.
  • Issued Integrated Report 2017.
  • Held human rights workshops in Europe and Japan.
  • Started supply chain management based on the RBA (EICC) Code of Conduct. Reviewed internal rules based on the Code.
Achieved plan targets
  • Enhance the integrated reports.
  • Improve and execute internal processes based on international norms and industry standards.
  • We are working continuously to bring our CSR efforts to the next level by setting shared short and medium-term targets for the entire Group and utilizing the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle.
CSR Penetration and Execution
  • Enhance the CSR community within the Group, including global sites.
  • Further enhance information transmission by utilizing the internal website.
  • Continue improving CSR dissemination methods such as lectures.
  • Established a Global Leader Team to promote “responsible business.”
  • Held internal lectures in order to expand internal understanding for SDGs initiatives and contents of integrated report.
  • Launched a portal site for explaining SDGs and introducing related initiatives.
Achieved plan targets
  • Enhance the CSR community within the Group, including global sites.
  • Further enhance information transmission by utilizing the internal website.
  • Continue improving CSR dissemination methods such as lectures.
  • Fujitsu Group employees take it upon themselves to promote CSR with a comprehensive view to economic, environmental, and social dimensions.
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[Priority 1] Providing Opportunities and Security Through ICT Priority 1 Providing Opportunities and Security Through ICT

Levels of Performance

★★★ : Achieved plan targets
★★ : Not all plan targets were achieved and some issues remain to be addressed
: Plan targets have not been achieved
Targets and Achievements
Category FY 2017 Targets FY 2017 Performance FY 2018 Targets Medium-Term Targets
(FY 2020)
Providing New Values Through ICT
  • Expand efforts to solve social issues in Japan and abroad in hopes of achieving SDGs.
  • Expand solutions related to core areas in Japan and overseas.
  • In order to widely spread the Fujitsu Group’s environmental technologies throughout society and to contribute to protection of the global environment, participated as a partner in WIPO GREEN*1, a marketplace operated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
  • In cooperation with the Kagawa Prefectural Board of Education, Shodoshima Board of Education, and Kagawa University, developed “Learning Together” Project for using ICT to enable cooperative learning regardless of disabilities.
  • Implemented and expanded solutions for agriculture, health, welfare, smart manufacturing, disaster prevention, disaster mitigation, and traffic issues in Japan and overseas.
Achieved plan targets
  • Expand efforts to solve social issues in Japan and abroad in hopes of achieving SDGs.
  • Expand solutions related to core areas in Japan and overseas.
  • We are using global cutting-edge computing to generate simulations of the future, and employing them to help solve an array of tough problems like climate change, resource shortages, and disaster damage. In addition, we are globally deploying ICT-enabled solutions for various issues affecting cities, food, medicine, education, and more.
Increasing ICT Accessibility
  • Expand business precedents incorporating Universal Designs.
  • Expand solutions-oriented businesses in emerging countries.
  • Released the FACT-V Automated Teller Machine Series, which includes functions to support the elderly and those with disabilities, and Kid’s Mobile F-30J, which includes functions to support children and parents.
  • Added new business and field trials in countries in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and so on, including disaster prevention, agriculture, and traffic issues.
Achieved plan targets
  • Expand business precedents incorporating Universal Designs.
  • Expand solutions-oriented businesses in emerging countries.
  • So that as many people as possible in the world can leverage ICT to pursue their potential, we are opening doors to cyber society, providing devices and interfaces that are easy to use for all, and offering systems supporting ICT deployment to developing countries.
Reliability and Security through ICT
  • Further implement security training thoroughly.
  • Deepen coordination with the government and international institutions.
  • Complete implementation of a communication platform in desired locations of Fujitsu Group companies overseas.
  • Further expansion of solutions based on in-house adoption.
  • Continued implementation of security training for Fujitsu employees, including executives (participation rate 99.1%).
  • Joined the WBCSD and conducted activities as a corporate board member for the Social Impact Sector and Sustainable Cities Leadership Project. Participated in international projects as part of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Also, cooperated with the French government to promote the Digital Transformation Creation Project in France.
  • Based on the experience gaining from in-house implementation including overseas companies, provided Digital Global Communication Service for transforming how people work.
Achieved plan targets
  • Further implement security training thoroughly.
  • Deepen coordination with the government and international institutions.
  • Further expansion of solutions based on in-house adoption.
  • We deliver reliability and security through the stable operation of ICT systems, the infrastructure underpinning economic and social activity. Further, we provide ICT solutions to realize highly secure environments where personal and proprietary information is protected.

A platform and global network for promoting the spread and innovation of environmental technology by connecting providers of environmental technologies and services with parties seeking innovation solutions. More than 3,100 instances of environmental technologies and needs from more than 100 countries are recorded in the database. The WIPO GREEN networks consist of more than 6,000 individuals and organizations in 170 countries throughout the world.

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[Priority 2] Protecting the Global Environment Priority 2 Protecting the Global Environment

Levels of Performance

★★★ : Achieved plan targets
★★ : Not all plan targets were achieved and some issues remain to be addressed
: Plan targets have not been achieved
Targets and Achievements
Category FY 2017 Targets
FY 2017 Performance FY 2018 Targets
Medium-Term Targets
(FY 2020)
Our Society
  • Contribute to sustainable development of society through provision of ICT services.
  • Achieve top-level energy efficiency of more than 50% of the newly developed products.
  • Selected 28 solutions for contributing to climate change measures and published 8 case studies.
  • Achieved top-level energy efficiency of 68.3%.
Achieved plan targets
  • Contribute to sustainable development of society through provision of ICT services.
  • Achieve top-level energy efficiency of more than 50% of the newly developed products.
Our Business
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emission over 5% compared to FY 2013 by the end of FY 2018.
  • Reduced by 16.6% compared to FY 2013.
Achieved plan targets
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emission over 5% compared to FY 2013 by the end of FY 2018.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions per sales from transport over 2% each year.
  • Reduced by 10% compared to FY 2016.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions per sales from transport over 2% each year.
  • Increase usage of renewable energy to at least 6% of total usage by the end of FY 2018.
  • Increased usage to 7.3%.
  • Increase usage of renewable energy to more than 6% of total usage by the end of FY 2018.

(*1) All items in the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage VIII):

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[Priority 3] Embracing Diversity and Inclusion Priority3 Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

Levels of Performance

★★★ : Achieved plan targets
★★ : Not all plan targets were achieved and some issues remain to be addressed
: Plan targets have not been achieved
Targets and Achievements
Category FY 2017 Targets FY 2017 Performance FY 2018 Targets Medium-Term Targets
(FY 2020)
Corporate Culture Reform
  • Further promote training and education for Fujitsu and domestic Group companies, led by the Human Rights Promotion Committee.
  • Disseminate the "Human Rights Statement," and promote the creation of a corporate culture that values human rights throughout the entire global Fujitsu group.
  • Support diversity promotion at workplaces oriented toward generating innovation.
  • Promote measures among domestic and overseas Group companies.
  • Expand cross- organizational measures to create an innovative organizational culture.
  • Held human rights awareness workshops in each region of Japan besides promotional trainings. Held a company-wide human rights awareness week (human rights information, commendations, distribution of leaflets to all employees, and posting of posters).
  • In creating a workplace where anyone can find it easy to work, formed a study group for interested employees, the promotional unit, and consultation desk by inviting an expert on LGBTs. Launched training programs according to the grade of employees to promote understanding.
  • Held company-wide “Barrier-Free Minds” training to create an organizational climate in which all employees can perform regardless of disabilities.
  • Following up the publication of the "Fujitsu Group Human Rights Statement" accommodating international human rights standards (in 21 languages), implemented e-Learning courses to foster a global, Fujitsu Group-wide understanding of the messages therein.
  • Supported promotional activities for diversity unique to each workplace.
  • Formulated the "Direction of Fujitsu Group diversity and inclusion".
  • Established an index for an "Innovative Organizational Culture," incorporating the provision of opportunities for challenging and interesting works, set a group-wide goal and held activities in each organization.
Achieved plan targets
  • Further promote training and increasing awareness for Fujitsu and domestic group companies with Human Rights Promotion Committees.
  • Disseminate the "Human Rights Statement," and promote the creation of a corporate culture that values human rights throughout the entire global Fujitsu group.
  • Support diversity promotion at workplaces oriented toward generating innovation.
  • Promote measures among domestic and overseas Group companies.
  • Expand cross- organizational measures to create an innovative organizational culture.
  • We offer a good working environment for everyone, thanks in part to measures to further human rights promotion and diversity.
  • Our corporate culture fosters ongoing creation of new knowledge and technologies inside and outside the organization through open and free discussion from a wealth of perspectives.
Helping Individuals Flourish
  • Expand continuous "talent management" for female employees from their early years of employment, aiming to support their promotion to management positions.
  • Promoted measures to support the active participation of female employees at each level
    - Expanded "Female Leadership Development Program" (76 students).
    - As part of mid- to long-term education for female employees, held a career workshop for female employees (27 participants).
    - Hosted career development support seminars (3 times).
  • Hosted events per demographic segment to support the success of employees with disabilities, foreign employees, and employees in childcare and nursing (Also aimed at domestic group companies).
  • Hosted seminar for managers supervising employees caring for children. (Also aimed at domestic group companies.)
  • Fujitsu:
    - Ratio of female managers: 5.71%
    - Ratio of employees with disabilities: 2.15%
Achieved plan targets
  • Expand continuous talent management from a young age to nurture more female senior staff, etc.
  • Fujitsu is creating workplaces in which employees recognize each other, and can exhibit the full added value they possess to contribute to the organization.
Promoting a Work-Life Balance
  • Expand support measures for transforming work styles for each individual employee.
  • Results of each system's use in the Fujitsu Group:
    - Employees using child-care leave: 425. Employees using child-birth/child-care support leave: 652.
    - As part of Telework Day and Telework Month, held a workshop to promote the utilization of related systems.
Achieved plan targets
  • Expand support measures for transforming work styles for each individual employee.
  • We are helping every employee to achieve a work-life balance and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with society.
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[Priority 4] Developing Human Resources for Their Contribution to Society and the Planet Priority4 Developing Human Resources for Their Contribution to Society and the Planet

Levels of Performance

★★★ : Achieved plan targets
★★ : Not all plan targets were achieved and some issues remain to be addressed
: Plan targets have not been achieved
Targets and Achievements
Category FY 2017 Targets FY 2017 Performance FY 2018 Targets Medium-Term Targets
(FY 2020)
Working to Develop Employees Who Can Support a Truly Global ICT Company
  • Implement various training programs in the next-generation business leaders development program system.
  • Established two new courses in order to further accelerate the development of next- generation business leaders (309 participants).
    * Long-term training includes persons currently in classes
Achieved plan targets
  • Implement various training programs in the next-generation business leaders development program system.
  • We are contributing to the advancement of society by fostering business leaders that can balance the pursuit of business strategies with the creation of social value.
  • Every employee grasps and acts in accordance with our corporate philosophy to create new value for society.
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[Priority 5] Communicating and Collaborating with Stakeholders Priority5 Communicating and Collaborating with Stakeholders

Levels of Performance

★★★ : Achieved plan targets
★★ : Not all plan targets were achieved and some issues remain to be addressed
: Plan targets have not been achieved
Targets and Achievements
Category FY 2017 Targets FY 2017 Performance FY 2018 Targets Medium-Term Targets
(FY 2020)
Stakeholder Communications
  • Reconsider global CSR communication.
  • Engage regularly with local residents and companies for neighborhood development.
  • Participated in events (domestic/international) and held lectures to showcase Fujitsu's CSR activities.
  • Developed measures for encouraging information sharing among Group companies, including overseas companies.
  • Engaged regularly with local residents and companies for neighborhood development (58 times).
Achieved plan targets
  • Reconsider global CSR communication.
  • Engage regularly with local residents and companies for neighborhood development.
  • We have forged relationships built on trust with diverse stakeholders by maintaining mutual lines of communication.
Collaboration With Stakeholders
  • Relationship-building with local governments, NGOs, international organizations, and other diverse stakeholders through our main business, and strengthening of specific initiatives aimed at achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) promoted by the UN.
  • Implemented the following activities to make progress toward SDGs together with stakeholders.
    - At the 48th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (commonly known as the “Davos forum”) invited top corporate executives and persons of academic standing to participate in an exchange of opinions.
    - At Fujitsu Forum 2017, held an SDGs Conference and invited external scholars to participate.
    - For customers, NGOs, employees, etc., held an information sessions and lectures on SDGs initiatives (18th times).
Achieved plan targets
  • Relationship-building with local governments, NGOs, international organizations, and other diverse stakeholders through our main business, and concrete initiatives to resolve social issues aimed at achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) promoted by the UN.
  • Fujitsu Group employees practice optimal collaboration with stakeholders in delivering value which meets society's needs.
Harmony with Society
  • Promote horizontal expansion and activation throughout the group through social contribution activity incentives and announcements.
  • Continuously implement social contribution programs as follows:
    - Expand the internal database of social contribution activities and improve precision.
    - Promote various measures for encouraging volunteer activities.
  • Horizontally expanded throughout the group through social contribution activity incentives and announcements.
  • Continuously implement social contribution programs as follows:
    - Expand the internal database of social contribution activities and improve precision.
    • Number of registrations in FY 2017: 708
    - Promote various measures for encouraging volunteer activities.
Not all plan targets were achieved and some issues remain to be addressed
  • Promote horizontal expansion and activation throughout the group through social contribution activity incentives and announcements.
  • Continuously implement social contribution programs as follows:
    - Expand the internal database of social contribution activities and improve precision.
    - Promote various measures for encouraging volunteer activities.
  • Most employees take part in social contribution activities that leverage their strengths.
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