NETSMART 2000 network design & planning tool


NETSMART 2000 Planning and Design Tool

WDM Design - In Minutes

Planning and designing a revenue-generating WDM network can take days to complete. Comparing design alternatives, examining projected performance data, preparing a complete bill of materials and exploring “what if” scenarios are all essential parts of this critical process.

A software system is available that streamlines your network design processes and supports you in achieving the best possible business outcome. This system can save time, reduce cost, maximize opportunity and prolong equipment life. The NETSMART 2000 planning and design tool configures the FLASHWAVE 7500 ROADM or the FLASHWAVE 9500 Packet Optical Networking Platform into a wide variety of topologies.

Comprehensive, Accurate and Versatile

The NETSMART 2000 application enables you to quickly and accurately optimize network optical performance and traffic demand for initial deployment and future network expansion. Overall, the NETSMART 2000 application reduces the effort needed to design and build complex networks.

  • The user interface incorporates a drag-and-drop approach, saving time by speeding up data gathering and input
  • The software provides the option of entering measured values or using defaults for fiber span performance characteristics, based on the fiber type and length
  • The software checks your inputs for validity and helps eliminate errors
  • Bill of materials includes preloaded part numbers

Comprehensive final design output includes all the information needed to build out your network:

  • Graphical topology chart
  • Series of reports
  • Site-level rack illustrations
  • Site level cabling reports
  • Reachability reports
  • Channel utilization report
  • Optical performance graphs

Audit Management Tool

The new Audit Management Tool, available in NETSMART 2000 v4, enables you to compare a deployed network against the same network as planned. This is accomplished by importing data from the NETSMART 1500 Management System and comparing it with design information in NETSMART 2000 Design and Planning Tool. A site audit helps identify installation issues that occur if a Network Element (NE) is erroneously provisioned, or if incorrect equipment was used.

The audit can be executed on all sites/subnetworks or on a subset of the network. The inventoried NEs are mapped to the as-designed network using the NETSMART 2000 application. The NETSMART 2000 application generates a report that lists all discrepancies between the physical NE and the corresponding site design.

The NETSMART 2000 Audit Management Tool offers multiple benefits:

  • Provides an accurate view of designed vs. deployed equipment
  • Provides a tool to better plan and manage network capacity
  • Reduces service order fallout due to equipment placement errors
  • Allows better utilization of slots, ports and shelves, especially for brownfield designs
  • Avoids optical design problems as the lambda count grows
  • Provides partial automation of the equipment reconciliation process

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