FUJITSU FRONTECH GROUP Environmental Report 2019
We have just issued "FUJITSU FRONTECH GROUP Environmental Report 2019" as Report No.16.
We promote environmental protection activities, following our own basic philosophy called "Eco-friendly business activity". This report introduces mainly results and activities in FY2018 among them as Environmental Action Plan VIII from FY2016 to FY2018.
And, we will make contents and structure of our next report easier to read, following your opinions.
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Front Cover
Our Environmental Priority Themes (Page I)
Introduction about "Fujitsu Frontech Group Environmental Policy" based on the trend for global environmental, Fujitsu Group Environmental Policy and Medium-to Long-term Environmental Vision.
Top Message (Page II)
Introduction from Hiromu Kawakami, President and Representative Director, about "the response to the environmental risks" and "our actions on the environment".
Corporate Profile / Business Structure (Page III)
Introduction about our corporate profile and business structure.
Actions on SDGs (Page IV)
Introduction about our actions on SDGs.
Material Balance (Page V)
Introduction about the whole image of our environmental activities, based on environmental performance data.
Global Product Business 1/2 (Page VI)
Introduction about development and delivery of eco-friendly products in Global Product Business.
Global Product Business 2/2 (Page VII)
Introduction about our global production system and activities in our Group companies outside Japan.
Solution Service Business 1/2 (Page VIII)
Introduction about development / delivery of Environmental Contribution Solutions and a sample of activities in Solution Service Business.
Solution Service Business 2/2 (Page IX)
Introduction about the environmental activities in Kumagaya Service Solution Center and in our Group companies outside Japan.
Environmental Action Plan (Page X)
Introduction about both results of our "Environmental Action Plan Stage VIII" (FY2016 - 2018) and plans of "Environmental Action Plan Stage IX" (FY2019 - 2020).
Topics (Page XI)
Introduction about some topics in our "Environmental Action Plan Stage VIII" (FY2016 - 2018).
Social Activities (Page XII)
Introduction about a variety of our social activities.
Environmental Performance / Accounting (Page XIII)
Report on our environmental performance data and results of environmental accounting in FY2018.
Business Offices / Main Facilities / Group Companies (Page XIV)
Introduction about our business offices, main facilities and Group companies.