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Fujitsu Launches 120km Transmission 400G QSFP56-DD/OSFP ZR Transceivers for Cloud Data Center Interconnects

February 28, 2020

Kawasaki, Japan, February 28, 2020 - Fujitsu Optical Components Limited (FOC) announced today that it has released compact and low power consumption 400Gbps ZR transceivers. These transceivers are compliant to the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) Implementation Agreement 400ZR for cloud data center interconnects (DCI) of up to 120km transmission. These products are realized with the compact QSFP-DD and OSFP form factors and can be installed directly on routers and switches, thus eliminating traditional transport equipment. This enables high capacity 400Gbps coherent DWDM transmission for DCI.

<400G QSFP56-DD ZR Transceiver>

<400G OSFP ZR Transceiver>

The need for large-capacity optical networks continues to grow with the increase in cloud services driven by Internet of Things, artificial intelligence (Big Data), and streaming content. In addition, hyperscale data centers are increasing rapidly, since there is a strong need for internet content providers and cloud operators to seamlessly interconnect multiple data centers around cities to build large cloud data center networks. These are driving the demand for high-capacity and low-cost DCI solutions. To meet these needs, the OIF, a standardization organization, is working on the specification of 400Gbps transceiver “400ZR” for next-generation DCI application.

This product complies with the OIF Implementation Agreement 400ZR and is built using 7nm CMOS coherent DSP (Digital Signal Processor), silicon photonics integrated optical devices and high-density packaging technology to achieve a compact, low-power consumption transceiver in QSFP-DD and OSFP form factors. This allows a coherent transceiver to be installed directly into switches and routers, enabling 400Gbps DWDM transmission of high capacity easily, compared with 100/200Gbps coherent transceivers currently in use, such as CFP2-DCO (Digital Coherent Optics) and CFP2-ACO (Analog Coherent Optics) transceivers. It also ensures interoperability with other vendors’ 400ZR modules.

Product Feature

  • These products integrate high performance, small size, and low power consumption coherent DSP applying the latest 7nm CMOS process, and compact power efficient Silicon Photonics COSA (Coherent Optical Sub-Assembly) and ITLA (Integrated Tunable Laser Assembly). This realizes low power consumption 400Gbps ZR compact pluggable transceivers in QSFP-DD and OSFP form factors.
  • These products comply with the OIF 400ZR Implementation Agreement to ensure interoperability with other manufacturers’ 400ZR modules realizing a DCI network supported by a multi-vendor ecosystem.
  • These products enable seamless interconnection of multiple data centers, improving data center availability, traffic distribution and optimization, and resource efficiency.

Additional Information



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About Fujitsu Optical Components

Fujitsu Optical Components is a leading global supplier of the most advanced, high performance optical component solutions for high-speed optical networking applications (i.e.-backbone networks, metro networks and data center interconnects). Our product line-up includes 100G and beyond Coherent Transceivers, 100G/400G Client Transceivers, 100G/400G LN Modulators and 100G/400G Coherent Receivers. For additional information, visit

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日付: 28 February, 2020