<400G OSFP FR4 Transceiver>
<400G QSFP56-DD FR4 Transceiver>
FOC is a leading provider of high performance optical components and modules and has proven itself by being the first in the world to launch leading-edge optical component products to meet the insatiable demand for bandwidth of advanced communication networks. In 2017, FOC launched its 64Gbaud LN modulator and 64Gbaud integrated coherent receiver, both used in high bandwidth coherent transceivers.
At ECOC 2018, FOC will showcase its 400G transceiver portfolio for short reach, DCI and metro applications, so as to meet the growing capacity demands of global network service providers and datacenter operators in a variety of networking environments. This transceiver portfolio includes 400G FR4/LR4 and 400G ZR, in both OSFP and QSFP56-DD form factors, for short-reach and DCI applications. Also, it includes the 400G DCO for metro applications, in CFP2 form factor.
(*1) ECOC: European Conference on Optical Communication
(*2) OSFP: Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable
(*3) QSFP56-DD: Quad Small Form Factor Pluggable 56 Double Density
(*4) MSA: Multi Source Agreement
(*5) DCO: Digital Coherent Optics
(*6) OIF: Optical Internetworking Forum
(*7) CFP2: C Form Factor Pluggable
Fujitsu Optical Components Limited
Marketing Department
E-mail: foc-contact-pr@dl.jp.fujitsu.com
Fujitsu Optical Components is a leading global supplier of the most advanced, high performance optical component solutions for high-speed optical networking applications (i.e.-backbone networks, metro networks and data center interconnects). Our product line-up includes 100G and beyond Coherent Transceivers, 100G CFP/CFP2/QSFP28 Transceivers, 100G/400G LN Modulators and 100G/400G Coherent Receivers. For additional information, visit http://www.fujitsu.com/jp/foc/en/.
All other company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Information provided in this press release is accurate at time of publication and is subject to change without advance notice.
日付: 21 September, 2018