


    富士通クライアントコンピューティング株式会社(本社:神奈川県川崎市 代表取締役 社長:齋藤 邦彰、以下FCCL)は、下記のとおり役員人事を内定しましたので、お知らせいたします。
    2021年4月1日付で、FCCLの社長である齋藤邦彰が取締役会長に、Lenovo PCSD アジアパシフィックSMBセグメント担当エグゼクティブディレクター大隈健史が代表取締役社長に就任します。


取締役会長 齋藤 邦彰(さいとう くにあき)

(現:富士通クライアントコンピューティング 代表取締役社長)

代表取締役社長 執行役員社長/CEO(新任) 大隈 健史(おおくま たけし)

(現:Lenovo PCSD、アジアパシフィックSMBセグメント担当エグゼクティブディレクター)
〔略歴〕アジアパシフィック地域におけるLenovoのPCおよびスマートデバイス事業グループの中小企業セグメントを統括し、製品企画およびマーケティングを現地の独自性を保ちながら主導する。前職では、NEC Lenovo Japanグループの最高執行責任者を務めた後、Lenovoアジアパシフィック地域のチームを指揮し、コマーシャル部門およびオペレーション/Eコマース事業を指揮しました。Lenovoに入社する前は、McKinsey& Companyの日本支社およびフランクフルト支社で計8年間勤務。


  • 報道関係者お問い合わせ

    広報部 八代


Fujitsu Client Computing Limited Appoints New Leadership

March 9, 2021

Fujitsu Client Computing Limited

Fujitsu Client Computing Limited (Head Office: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture President and CEO: Kuniaki Saito, FCCL) is pleased to announce its new leadership:
On April 1, 2021, Kuniaki Saito, President & CEO of FCCL, will become Chairman of FCCL. Takeshi Okuma, Executive Director, Lenovo Asia Pacific SMB Segment, will assume the role of Chief Executive Officer of FCCL.


As of April 1, 2021

Director and Chairman: Kuniaki Saito

(Currently President of Fujitsu Client Computing)
[Brief Personal History] Joined Fujitsu. After serving as Executive Officer, Head of Personal Business Division in 2010, Executive Officer, Head of Product Business Strategy Division and Personal Business Division in 2012, Managing Executive Officer, 2014, Special Advisor, 2016 and Senior Advisor, 2018. In 2016, he became the president of Fujitsu Client Computing.

Representative Director and President (new appointment) Takeshi Okuma

(Currently Executive Director, Asia Pacific SMB Segment, Lenovo PCSD)
[Brief Personal History] Responsible for driving the small and medium business segment for the PC and Smart Devices business group of Lenovo in Asia Pacific.
He leads product planning and marketing at an Asia Pacific level, while preserving local uniqueness of each market including Japan. Prior to this role, he was Chief Operating Officer at NEC Lenovo Japan Group, then led teams at Lenovo in Asia Pacific including leading the Commercial segment and the Operations and eCommerce business. Before joining Lenovo, he spent eight years at McKinsey & Company in Japan and Germany.

  • Inquiries from the press

    Fujitsu Client Computing Limited
    Public Relations Dept. Yashiro
    Tel:044-874-2054(direct line)