Taxonomy Editor / Instance Creator


Taxonomy Editor / Instance Creator

FileLast UpdatedRemarks
ZIPZip file ( [25.4 MB]February 9, 2017-
ZIPEnglish manuals [17.3 MB]--
ZIPJapanese manuals [8.6 MB]--

Fujitsu XBRL Tools download policy

Fujitsu announces that it has made changes to the Fujitsu XBRL Tools download policy.

You can download these tools that require a license key file. Fujitsu sends, after internal discussion, such a license file for each application to the e-mail address that you specify in the web application form.

We wish you have continued interest in Fujitsu XBRL Tools.

Supported Platforms

All platforms which support Java Runtime Environment. Please read "readme.txt" in the archive for details.


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