Fujitsu Stock and Shareholder Information FAQ

Fujitsu Stock and Shareholder Information FAQ

  1. What is Fujitsu Limited's stock symbol?

  Fujitsu Limited is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange under registration code 6702.

  2. On which exchanges is Fujitsu Limited stock traded?

  Fujitsu Limited stock is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Nagoya Stock Exchange in Japan.

  3. How can I purchase Fujitsu Limited stock?

  Fujitsu Limited stock may be purchased from various brokerage firms. Please contact brokerage firms directly to confirm whether they handle trading of Fujitsu Limited stock.

  4. Who is the transfer agent for Fujitsu Limited stock?

  The name and address of the transfer agent for Fujitsu Limited stock are as follows:  "Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation"  4-5, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8212, Japan

  5. How many shares of Fujitsu Limited stock are outstanding?

  The numbers of authorized and issued shares are posted on our investor relations website.

  6. How many Fujitsu Limited shareholders are there?

  The number of shareholders are posted on our investor relations website.

  7. Who are Fujitsu Limited's principal shareholders?

  Fujitsu Limited's principal shareholders are posted on our investor relations website.

  8. When and where is the Annual Shareholders' Meeting held?

  The Annual Shareholders' Meeting is usually held toward the end of June at a location in or near Tokyo.

  9. Who are Fujitsu's independent auditors?

  Accounting audits are carried out by Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC.

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