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What is PRO-NES?



- is a FUJITSU Production control software package for manufacturers. With its good reputation and market proven functions, PRO-NES realizes “Operational system easy to use” and “Integrated information data base”. PRO-NES supports to realize “Visualization” in customer operation.

- consists of Sales, Production, Costing and Financial and it is an ERP system which links management and production site.


PRO-NES launched in Japan in 1994 and launched in South East Asia from Mar. 1996 and in China from Apr. 1999. PRO-NES records more than 1,500 installations. It’s a market proven and trustworthy production control software

Who is buying PRO-NES?

PRO-NES focus on medium customers with a medium business and factory size:


What is PRO-NES Features?

  • Optimized functions for manufacturers
    SEIBAN, KANBAN, MRP & APS, PRO-NES provides and supports various production style.
  • Strong support for the global companies
    o Multiple currency, forex and overseas trading is standard.

    o PRO-NES offers Japanese, English and Chinese and able to switch language automatically by Log-in ID.

  • Easy to understand functionalities and quick installation.
    Most of the customers finish implementation from 6-9 month.
  • Keep enhancing for wide & various manufacturers  
    Keep enhancing functions for Assembly, process and plant (Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Food) industries.
  • Line-up of special industrial template
    Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food, Automotive and Coil service center