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Portugal Fujitsu to supply IT availability services to judicial administration in Finland

January 22, 2008

The ICT-Service Center of the Ministry of Justice and Fujitsu Services Oy have signed an agreement on IT availability services.

The five-year agreement covers the computer room services for several systems in the judicial administration as well as their management and monitoring services on 24/7 basis. In terms of the sufficiency of server capacity, the Ministry's ICT-Service Center will be to an increasing extent shifting towards a service-based approach. The availability services will also incorporate specialist services, numerous data communications and information security services as well as support and Fujitsu Push Mail services for mobile phones.

”We appreciate Fujitsu's sophisticated services and excellent service descriptions. Fujitsu has been able to produce clear-cut guidelines, as well as monitoring and reporting procedures. They form a solid basis on which to develop the services further. Besides, we know exactly what we're paying for," lists CIO Kari Kujanen of the Ministry of Justice.

On reviewing the offers, the decisive factors were service levels and economic efficiency.

"Also the life cycle approach and continuity were more accentuated in our decision-making than before. We aim at flexible IT services and high availability throughout their life cycle," says COO Juhani Paavilainen of the ICT-Service Center of Ministry of Justice.

There are in excess of 10,000 IT users at 380 locations in the judicial administration sector. These people work at municipal courts, prisons, legal aid offices, execution offices and prosecutor's offices.

About The Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice maintains and develops the legal order and legal safeguards and oversees the structures of democracy and the fundamental rights of citizens. The Ministry is responsible for the drafting of the most important laws, the functioning of the judicial system and the enforcement of sentences. The Minister of Justice heads the Ministry of Justice and its administrative sector. The Minister is assisted by the Permanent Secretary and the Management Group of the Ministry.The Information Management Unit is responsible for the general guidelines for the information management of the administrative sector and joint information management projects. It prepares and continually updates the information management strategy.

About Fujitsu Services Oy

Fujitsu Services Oy is the leading ICT services supplier in Finland. With its cutting edge ICT service models Patja and Sohva, the company facilitates the day-to-day operations of its customers in Finland and abroad by assuming the overall responsibility for the support services, operation and development of the customers' IT infrastructure and operational applications. Fujitsu's other areas of expertise include mobile work services, electronic services as well as Microsoft, SAP and EMC Documentum based solutions.The Finland based ICT services company Fujitsu's net sales for the financial year that ended in March 2009 amounted to 395 million euros. The company employs nearly 2,700 people in Finland and the Baltic countries. Fujitsu Finland is part of the global Fujitsu Group, one of the largest ICT services providers on a global scale. Our specialist network comprises 175,000 employees in 70 countries. Patja and Sohva are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Services Oy. Read more at:,

Juhani Paavilainen

Telefone: Telefone: + 358 10 366 4600
E-mail: E-mail:
EmpresaICT-Service Center, Ministry of Justice

Mika Koskinen

Telefone: Telefone: + 358 50 372 5966
E-mail: E-mail:
Sales Manager

Satu Pelttari

Telefone: Telefone: + 358 45 7880 9624
E-mail: E-mail:

Date: 22 January, 2008